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繼過去兩年成功舉辦此比賽,昇普計劃有幸再次與 劍橋大學基督學院 以及 國泰 再次合辦英文徵文比賽,為本港官津校及有經濟需要的直資學校學生提供機會,一展自主研究能力、議論技巧及創意思維。同學可藉是次活動強化個人課外學習履歷,探索對學科的興趣,從而提升寫作技巧。勝出比賽的同學將可參加於七月舉辦由 國泰 冠名贊助的英國遊學團,親身到訪劍橋和倫敦,與基督學院的導師進行面對面的指導,大大擴闊同學視野。費用全免,絕無隱藏收費。


Access Abroad Hong Kong (AAHK) is a Hong Kong government-registered charity (under section 88 of the IRO). Since our establishment in 2016, we have provided free mentorship to over 360 underprivileged students on their Oxbridge application, helping over 70 of them attain Oxbridge offers. 

Following success in the past two years, we are honoured to partner with Christ's College, Cambridge, and Cathay once again to co-organise this essay competition, encouraging students to showcase their research skills, argumentation and original thinking through one of our fourteen writing prompts spanning various disciplines in STEM and humanities. Participants can benefit from a strengthened extracurricular profile, and an opportunity to explore their subject of interest. This year's prize is a one-week all-expenses-paid trip sponsored by Cathay to Cambridge and London in July to engage in different activities, including the Cambridge Open Day and face-to-face supervisions with academics from Christ’s College, Cambridge

To bring all participants onto a level playing field, we will organise an essay writing workshop in early February. We will invite current students from top UK universities to share how they unpack questions and write academically. There will also be a Q&A session. Details for the event will be released on our social media shortly. 

支持機構 Supporting organisations:

遵理學校 Beacon College

香港資優教育學苑 HKAGE

​截止日期 Deadline: 23/02/2025 23:59:59 (HKT)





現就讀本港官立/津貼學校 或 領取政府資助/ 經入息檢查後的學費減免 的香港直資中學生(需提供相關證明文件)



官方從各組別選出最多七位同學, 共不多於十四位同學入圍參加面試, 從中選擇最多六位得獎者

所有得獎者可參加於7月舉辦的英國遊學團, 費用全免; 同學有機會親身到訪劍橋和倫敦, 與基督書院的導師進行面對面的指導





1. ‘Healthcare should always be free’. Do you agree with the statement? Discuss.
2. When and how do we consider intention when evaluating acts of wrongdoing? Discuss whether this evaluation is important.

3. How do metaphors and idioms reflect shared cultural knowledge in a community? More broadly, what is the role of language in a culture?
4. Are all histories worth studying? What makes certain histories more ‘valuable’ than others?
5. Critically assess utilitarianism in the morality of policy making.
6. To what extent are people logical in their reasoning? Is being illogical necessarily bad?
7. Do you think Hong Kong should implement universal basic income? What is the greatest obstacle to its implementation?

1. Does the rise of artificial intelligence combat or worsen the problem of misinformation?
2. Discuss the roles abstraction plays in physics.
3. What is the largest technological difficulty humanity needs to overcome to become a multiplanetary species?
4. Discuss the role of mitochondria in health and disease.
5. Why might some animals exhibit behavioural decisions that are suboptimal to their survival?
6. Are there innate sex differences in human psychology?
7. Is developing stress tolerance a more sustainable approach than reversing environmental change in conserving economically important species? Discuss.


昇普計劃為香港註冊的慈善機構(IR File No:91/17622), 由在英國名牌學府就讀的香港學生組成,致力協助香港官津校有需要之學生入讀英國頂尖學府,為平等教育機會出一分力。

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