In 2024, we have partnered with Christ’s College, Cambridge and Cathay to present an exciting opportunity - the prize for this year’s essay competition is a one-week all-expenses-paid trip to Cambridge and London in July. With essay questions as varied as the year before, we encourage eligible students to explore their topic of choice and showcase their argumentative skill.
In 2023, we partnered with Christ’s College, Cambridge to organise an English essay competition for Hong Kong senior secondary school students from non-fee-paying schools, with diverse writing prompts ranging across STEM and the humanities. We received 33 eligible entries in total, which were then shortlisted and marked. Winners received 1-on-1 supervisions with Cambridge University academics and respective cash prizes.
In collaboration with GIFTS Foundation, our 2023 Summer Boot Camp, which marked our first in-person event since COVID, gave insights on UCAS university applications, UK university life, and the Oxbridge academic experience to students from Secondary 3 to 5.
夏令日營參加人數 No. of participants for the Summer Bootcamp
來自香港的官立或津貼學校 Study in non-fee-paying local schools
We encouraged students to explore their subject interests by selecting from 11 subject-focused talks, hosted by university students studying those subjects;
透過工作坊, 加強同學的面試和撰寫個人陳述的技巧, 指導同學選科及建立個人履歷, 裝備自己
Strengthen their interview and personal statement-writing skills, enrich their portfolio and prepare themselves for applying for university.
透過模擬講座及小組指導, 體驗牛津劍橋獨有的教學模式
Experience mock-lectures and supervisions the Oxbridge style
同學認為夏令日營令他們更了解自己的學科興趣 及牛津劍橋大學獨有的教學模式 of participants felt significantly more informed about their academic preferences & the Oxbridge teaching style after the Bootcamp
昇普計劃大學生委員認為認為在夏令日營當義工是一個 富有意義及價值的體驗 of our volunteering committee member respondents found the Bootcamp a positively rewarding experience
In 2023, we organised 9 online courses, introducing new subjects such as Medicine, Law, and HSPS/PPE. We provided learning experiences that blend diverse teaching methods - lectures, interactive discussions, and tailored supervisions/tutorials - with assignments that our mentors review and provide feedback on.
暑期網上課程 2023 參加人數No. of participants for the Summer Course 2023
學生對課程給予 8 分或以上
(滿分 10 分) of participants gave a rating of 8 or higher out of 10